Monday, March 15, 2010

Between Gardens

The other day I was searching the library website for a book I read some time ago when I came across one called Between Gardens: Observations on Gardening, Friendship and Disability.  Between gardens, I thought, that sounds interesting (since I consider myself between gardens right now)  but I didn't put it on hold because I figured I had enough books and projects on the go.  Later that day I was in the library picking up holds and absent-mindedly looking at the shelves while the boys chose some books when I saw the same book on the shelf.  I'm a fan of serendipity and so I decided to take the book home to read when I got a chance.  I started reading the first couple pages that afternoon and decided I needed to finish it the next day so that I could take it to my friend to read, I knew she would enjoy as much as I was. 
It's a wonderful book.  I would highly recommend it as a read for any woman, gardener or nature lover - as a woman, gardener AND nature lover I found it very moving and insightful.  I'm so glad it found me at the library. 

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